About Early Elementary School

Heath Stille, PRINCIPAL
5950 90th Avenue • Storm Lake, IA 50588
Phone | 712-213-2110
Fax | 712-213-2114
Office Hours | 7:30 am - 4:15 pm
School Hours | 8:00-2:45 pm
Schools exist to help people learn and grow so they can better help others, and in so doing, help themselves. We believe education is a partnership among the school, family, business, government, churches, and the community in general for the purpose of helping our youth become well-rounded, productive, and responsible citizens.
Student Expectations
Be Safe
Students are expected to be safe each and every day. This may include walking, helping others, picking up trash, etc.
Be Kind
Students are expected to be kind each and every day. This may include using appropriate words, thinking about others, listening, showing respectful body language, greeting others, etc.
Be Responsible
Students are expected to be responsible every day. This may include being prepared, being on time, having necessary materials, finding solutions to problems, etc.
The Transitional Kindergarten (TK5) program serves students who are 5 years of age by September 15th. The program follows the Kindergarten Common Cores Standards and is designed for students who are Kindergarten age but may not have had any prior preschool experiences or may be best served by an additional year of learning.